Two Key Opposition Figures Fail To Win Committee Seats in Assembly Vote

  • Heng Reaksmey
    VOA Khmer

Neither Mu Sochua nor Yim Sovann won enough votes to be on the eighth or tenth committees, following a secret ballot measure.

Opposition officials say they are disappointed that two of their leading members were not voted onto two committees at the National Assembly.

Neither Mu Sochua, an outspoken member of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, nor Yim Sovann, one of its leading spokesmen, won enough votes to be on the eighth or tenth committees, following a secret ballot measure.

But officials said after the Assembly session this was not a violation of a political deal reached by the Rescue Party and the ruling Cambodian People’s Party in July, which ended a year of political deadlock.

“We regret the result, but we urge the ruling party to comply with the July [memorandum of understanding],” Rescue Party President Sam Rainsy said.

Both lawmakers failed by a vote of 56 to 63, with three abstentions—a clear split between the opposition, which has 55 members in the Assembly, and the ruling party.

Chheng Von, a CPP lawmaker, said party members had not planned their votes in advance.