​​Sok An Cabinet Chief to Become Lawmaker

Chea Vandeth, an advisor to Council of Ministers and a lawmaker from Takeo provice, was appointed to replace the position held by Sok An who recently passed away in March. (Courtesy photo of CLUF's Facebook page)

Leng Penglong, National Assembly spokesman, said Vandeth had been selected as a replacement for An, who died last month in Beijing of an unknown illness.

Chea Vandeth, an advisor to the Council of Ministers under the late deputy prime minister Sok An, is slated to become a lawmaker following a parliamentary meeting on Friday last week.

Leng Penglong, National Assembly spokesman, said Vandeth had been selected as a replacement for An, who died last month in Beijing of an unknown illness.

Yim Sovann, spokesman for the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, could not be reached to confirm whether members of the opposition would attend the meeting.

As well as being a lawmaker in Takeo province, An held numerous official positions in Prime Minister Hun Sen’s governments over the years, leading to fierce speculation about who would assume the posts following his death.

As well as being a lawmaker, An was the a deputy prime minister and minister in charge of Hun Sen’s cabinet.

Phay Siphan, cabinet spokesman, said Vandeth had gained a doctorate in Russia and had worked to help the people of Takeo province for many years.

He added that Vandeth is also a successful businessman.

In 2013, Vandeth became a founder of the American University of Phnom Penh.

He is also chairman of the JC Royal Group, which previously owned the rights to manage the Choeung Ek “killing fields” memorial site.

​Vandeth could not be reached for comment.