Opposition Official Faces New Lawsuit in Court

  • Heng Reaksmey
    VOA Khmer

Kem Sokha has said he will not appear in court until after the election campaign and Election Day.

PHNOM PENH - Senior opposition official Kem Sokha has again been summoned to court, this time in a suit brought by an alleged mistress who claims she had a child with him.

Kem Sokha, the vice president of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party, was already sued by a Khmer Rouge prison survivor over allegedly denying crimes of the regime.

In both cases, he has said he is being sued by politically motivated parties who wish to discredit the opposition ahead of the July 28 elections.

He has said he will not appear in court until after the election campaign and Election Day.

He told VOA Khmer he was not involved in a romantic situation with the woman.

His alleged mistress, Keo Phanary, claims that she wants $10,000 in child support, for a child they had together while he was married.

Monday’s court summons comes just days after the royal pardon of opposition leader Sam Rainsy, who plans to return to Cambodia on Friday. Supporters are planning to greet him along the highway leading to Phnom Penh International Airport and at Freedom Park in the capital.

In a statement Monday, France welcomed the pardon, calling the upcoming election “an important opportunity for democracy in Cambodia.”

Sam Rainsy, who has French citizenship, spent much of his time in exile in France, after fleeing Cambodia in 2009 to avoid court prosecution over charges he says were politically motivated, as well.