U.S. Democracy Promotion Group Holds Political Debate in Battambang

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Local residents in Battambang town took part in a political debate organized by U.S. Democracy promotion group the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) on Monday ahead of local elections early next month. Attendees asked prospective candidates responded to citizen’s concerns over unemployment, migration, health care, access to water, drug abuse and security, among other issues. En Svang, the ruling Cambodian People’s Party’s incumbent commune chief in Wat Tamem, where the event was held, said he hoped to retain his seat at the June 4 election. No Rin, the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party candidate, however, believes he will be elected as since the last election “people understand [politics] more.” Chhum Chorn, a representative of the Khmer Nation United Party, and Norm Chhay, the royalist Funcinpec party candidate, also spoke at the event. Campaigning in the commune elections will end on June 2. The NDI is holding similar events in Takeo province’s Tropeang Thom Khang Cheung commune, on Wednesday, and Kratie province’s Svay Chreas commune, on Friday. ​​ (Sok Khemara, Battambang, VOA Khmer)