Foreign Correspondents’ Club Calls for Investigation of Canadian Journalist in Cambodia

  • Men Kimseng
    VOA Khmer

missing dave walker

The Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Thailand issued an open letter Tuesday to Prime Minister Hun Sen, urging him to push the investigation into the disappearance in Cambodia of one of its members earlier this month.

Dave Walker, a Canadian journalist, unexpectedly disappeared in the tourist town of Siem Reap Feb. 14, under mysterious circumstances. He has not been seen since.

The FCCT has asked that Hun Sen “personally” ensure “all Cambodian police, military and intelligence resources” are investigating Walker’s disappearance. The organization voiced concerns that his disappearance “may be connected to investigative work he was doing on Khmer Rouge remnants.”

“Another possibility is that Mr. Walker has been abducted for ransom,” the organization said. “Although both scenarios remain speculative more than a week after Mr. Walker's disappearance, neither would reflect well on Cambodia as it seeks to get beyond the legacy of Khmer Rouge rule in the 1970s, promote open media practices, develop Siem Reap as a safe tourism destination and attract foreign investment.”