Fewer Traffic Deaths This New Year, Authorities Report

Nearly 40 people died in traffic accidents over the Khmer New Year, authorities reported Thursday.

Nearly 40 people died in traffic accidents over the Khmer New Year, authorities reported Thursday.

The three-day holiday is a time of revelry and travel—and this year it saw 148 accidents with 28 fatalities.

There were 32 more incidents but 11 fewer fatalities than the 2013 New Year, national police spokesman Keat Chantharith said Thursday.

Surprisingly, busy provinces like Siem Reap and Preah Sihanouk saw less accidents than provinces with typically less traffic, like Banteay Meanchey or Battambang, he said.

Most victims were motorbike riders who were not wearing helmets, he said. Drunk driving caused only 10 percent of the accidents, while speeding and failure to obey traffic laws were to blame in most, he said.