Election Rules Under Discussion

The National Election Committee (NEC) kicked off the first day of its “testing” voter registration in the selected communes from the 25 constituents nationwide, file photo. (Aun Chhengpor/VOA Khmer)

Koul Panha, executive director of the election watchdog Comfrel, said that the groups would advocate for media access to polling stations.

The National Election Committee and election monitoring groups have been discussing regulations including permission for the taking of photographs and videos at polling stations ahead of local elections scheduled for June 2017 and a general election slated for 2018.

Koul Panha, executive director of the election watchdog Comfrel, said that the groups would advocate for media access to polling stations.

“So we suggest permission for the taking of photographs and videos at polling stations so that all parties – politicians, voter, the public, local and international observers – can trust the election result and minimize the conflicts when the result is out.”

Sam Kuntheamy, head of the Neutral and Impartial Committee for Free and Fair Elections, or NICFEC said video footage should also upload online, so that the public can observe and the process be seen to be transparent.

Hang Puthea, NEC spokesman, said the organization would forward the suggestions to all of its members, adding that there were three criteria which needed to be met for them to be approved.

“One is if it’s legal. Second, is if it’s necessary for the election process. Third is the possibility that all involving parties can proceed.”