Tobacco Law Urged on International Day

Health workers urged the Cambodian government to adopt a law on tobacco control, as the country observed World No Tobacco Day Tuesday.

“Please approve the draft law on tobacco control as soon as possible to fulfill [Cambodia’s] duty as a country that has signed or that is a member of the tobacco control treaty,” said Mom Kong, executive director of the Cambodia Movement for Health. “The approval of this draft law is also an aspiration of the Cambodian people.”

The law on tobacco was drafted in 2003, but it has not been passed by the Council of Ministers.

Health Minster Nuth Sokhom said that even though the law has not been passed, the ministry had taken measures to help people through education at schools, ministries and places of work.

However, Cambodia cannot put strong conditions on cigarette imports without a law, he said.

Cambodians spend about $69.5 million each year on cigarettes, he said.