Nuon Chea Lawyer Sworn in After Gaffe

Victor Koppe, lawyer to jailed Khmer Rouge ideologue Nuon Chea, was sworn in for the Cambodian bar Wednesday morning, following a procedural glitch at a tribunal hearing Monday.

Koppe had filed at least one motion on Nuon Chea’s behalf without technically being eligible under tribunal rules.

Now a member of the bar, he can legally represent Nuon Chea, whose hearing over pre-trial detention was postponed Monday.

“From now on, he has full rights as a lawyer,” Cambodian Bar Association President Ky Tech said.

No new date has been set for the next hearing, which will be only the second of the tribunal.

“It will not take long, as the Pre-Trial Chamber wants to get it done quickly,” tribunal spokesman Reach Sambath said. “There are three more appeals against temporary detentions.”