Cambodia, Vietnam Officials Meet on Crime

Cambodian and Vietnamese officials met Saturday in Svay Rieng province to discuss the prevention of cross-border crimes and immigration, officials said Wednesday.

Svay Rieng Governor Cheang Om told VOA Khmer that he met with the governors of Tay Ninh and Long An provinces in an annual meeting to review the cooperation between the two countries in 2007 and to plan strategies for 2008.

"We meet every six months to a year to discuss border security issues, particularly on drug trafficking, human trafficking and other cross-border crimes," he said. "We also discuss illegal immigration."

Cheang Om said cooperation between the authorities of both countries had led to a decrease in crime.

"Because of this cooperation, people living along the border of both countries can go on with their lives without any fear or insecurity about their safety," he said.

Svay Rieng officials who attended the annual meeting said the three governors were able to discuss many issues on cooperation and implementation of strategies.