Infants Prosper from Mother's Milk, Doctor Says

Dr. Chan Ketsana, child health team leader for the health organization RACHA appeared on "Hello VOA" Thursday to discuss the life-saving value of breastfeeding.

WHO officials have commended Cambodia on its reduction of infant mortality through the promotion of breastfeeding.

While Asia-Pacific countries have seen the death-rate of infants rise due to the use of formula over breastfeeding, Cambodia has campaigned to inform new mothers that their bodies produce the healthiest food for their children.

During Thursday's show, callers found other reproductive health concerns to ask about.

One woman from Kampong Cham said she worried about having apparent menstrual periods two or three times per month. Chan Ketsana said sometimes women experience other causes for bleeding, like fibroids.

A man from Phnom Penh asked during what period in the menstrual cycle a woman cannot conceive a child. Chan Ketsana said, in general, seven days before and seven days after her period, a woman could not conceive. And after the delivery of a baby, how long before intercourse can resume, he asked. Answer: six weeks.

One caller, a mother, asked why she wasn't producing milk for her newborn. The doctor explained that for three months after conception a woman produces milk, but the liquid is sometimes so clear a woman may think she is not producing. Suckle the baby, she said, and the milk would come.

On man called asked about a woman who had a baby in 1979 and had tried unsuccessfully until now to have another. The doctor advised seeking medical advice.