Open Forum to Feature Khmer Rouge History

ADHOC and Center for Social Development (CSD) will host a two-day public forum on Khmer Rouge history, which begins January 25 to January 26.

This is the first time that Cambodia is hosting such an event in which prominent authors, experts, and researchers are invited to talk about the Khmer Rouge era.

The two organizations hope to raise social awareness of Cambodia’s killing fields. And top government officials and diplomats are invited to participate as well.

CSD's director, Seng Theary says that open discussion about the Khmer Rouge regime is key to understanding Cambodia’s most tragic history.

KRT spokesman Reach Sambath, who will participate in the forum, says that the timing is perfect, because it coincides with the upcoming Khmer Rouge Tribunal.

The Khmer Rouge Tribunal is expected to last 3 years and will likely cost more than $56 million. The Khmer Rouge tribunal is scheduled for June 2007.