Tuesday's New Briefs

Prime Minister Hun Sen announces Tuesday that he will raise civil servants and teacher’s salaries by 15 percent this year.

NGO officials see the announcement as politically motivated because the Cambodian general election is around the corner.

Rong Chhun, president of the Cambodian Independent Teacher’s Association says that the PM’s promise is a front.

Norodom Ranariddh’s party members charge FUNCINPEC party officials of removing prince Ranariddh's photo off a billboard, located in Svay Rieng, in a forcible manner.

Ethnic minorities in Mondulkiri province charge their communal chief of withholding humanitarian aids.

Chuon Socheat, an official for the Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) says that about 30 tribal members have filed complaints to not receiving food and clothing aid.

Commune chief Ken Nhork and town mayor Pich Chrieda were not available for comment.