Pakistan Detains More than 100 in Countrywide Sweep After London Attacks

  • VOANews

Pakistani officials say security forces have detained more than 100 suspected Islamic militants in a nationwide crackdown on extremists in the wake of the (July 7th) London suicide bombings.

The officials said today (Wednesday) many of the latest detentions were made in the southern Sindh province and its capital Karachi in raids on homes, mosques and Islamic schools.

Earlier, officials said at least seven Islamic militants detained in Lahore, the capital of Punjab province, were suspected of possible links with the London bombers. Three of the four bombers were British-born Muslims of Pakistani origin who had visited Pakistan in the past year.

Nearly two dozen suspects were rounded up in the southwestern city of Quetta. But officials said those detentions were not related London bombings.

Police also raided a mosque in the capital, Islamabad, but made no arrests.