US Donates Trucks to Military

The US government donated 31 trucks to Cambodia's armed forces Monday, in what officials called a sign of increasing cooperation.

The military relationship between US and Cambodia was on an improving track, said Piper Campbell, the US Embassy's charge d'affaires.

The donation of 31 GMC cargo trucks, part of a larger allocation, was part of the overall improvement between the two countries over the last two to three years, she said.

The trucks were not new, she said, but American trucks are built to last, and the GMCs still had a lot of value in them.

Gen. Meoung Samphan, secretary of state for the Ministry of Defense, said this was the first time the US had given such a gift of trucks to Cambodia, and he appealed to other countries to make such contributions.

"If we can get donations, our national budget for the military will spend less," he said.