Erosion of Rule of Law Concerns US Investor

  • Kimseng Men

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The U.S. House of Representatives’ human rights commission and the Congressional Cambodia Caucus in September conducted a hearing on labor and human rights in Cambodia. The commission has expressed concerns this year over trends in Cambodia, including increased restrictions on political and social activism, civil society, independent media, and internationally-funded democracy programs. A U.S. businessman was among those who testified at the hearing. Daniel Mitchell, the CEO of SRP International (Cambodia) Ltd., first invested in Cambodia nearly 20 years ago. He has remained active managing investments in Cambodia, including a teak nursery. He told members of Congress that he is concerned with the erosion of rule of law in Cambodia since 2017, and that his business has been severely and negatively impacted. VOA Khmer’s Men Kimseng sat down with Mitchell for an interview.