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India Randomly Testing International Airline Passengers for COVID-19

People walk past a girl wearing a face mask in a shopping district of Mumbai, India, Dec. 22, 2022.
People walk past a girl wearing a face mask in a shopping district of Mumbai, India, Dec. 22, 2022.

India has begun randomly testing arriving international airline passengers for COVID-19.

The new measure is being initiated as China, India’s neighbor, is experiencing a surge in cases.

India has decided to test 2% of passengers arriving on international flights.

According to a report in The Times of India, the country’s Civil Aviation Ministry has advised airlines that their crew members are responsible for taking selected passengers to the airport facilities where the testing will take place.

The Indian Medical Association is urging people to get their booster shots, to wear masks in all public places and to avoid large public gatherings.

“Prevention is better than cure,” the association said in a statement.

Some information for this report came from AP and Reuters .